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‘Adam Tickell and the Seven Principles’
‘Adam Tickell and the Seven Principles’

‘Adam Tickell and the Seven Principles’

There was news this week that Peter Dinklage was unhappy with Disney’s plans for a live action Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Now read on.

Scene: an office somewhere in Disney Studios. A scriptwriter is bent over his laptop. An animator comes in.

Animator: so how’s it going?

Scriptwriter: not bad, not bad at all. You know, updating these classic movies for the modern world can be difficult, but this Snow White reboot is a cinch.

Animator: Oh? I heard that there was some problem with it. Whatshisname from Game of Thrones was mad about it. Where was it? [scrolls through his phone] Yeah, right here: Quote: ‘you’re still making that fucking backward story of seven dwarves living in the cave.’ Unquote.

Scriptwriter: Hmm, yeah, I saw that. I think I’ve got a way round it. Ta da! [He clicks his mouse and there’s a mock up of a title screen]

Animator [reading]:Adam Tickell and the Seven Principles‘? What the hell is that?

Scriptwriter: It’s the new Snow White! We do away with the dwarfs – as Dinklage says, dwarfs in a cave? I mean, come on! – and instead we have a vice chancellor, undertaking a review of bureaucracy. With seven principles helping him. What’s not to like?

Animator: But…but…I mean…it doesn’t sound very compelling…

Scriptwriter: What??

Animator: Won’t it be a bit slow? And, well, will primary school children even like the principles? They don’t sound very cuddly.

Scriptwriter: Of course they will. I mean who wouldn’t love a troupe of darling principles? And such cute names! Harmonisation, Simplification, Proportionality, Flexibility, Transparency, Fairness, and Sustainability.

Animator: But they won’t even be able to pronounce them!

Scriptwriter: Well we could always shorten them: Harmie for Harmonisation, for instance.

Animator: And what are they supposed to do?

Scriptwriter: Well you’re going to love this, because it means less work for you! They’re essentially going to sit in the background, looking serious and vaguely disapproving.

Animator: Won’t make for much of a movie, though, will it?

Scriptwriter: Well…sure, it needs some work. Perhaps they could, I don’t know, stand on one leg? Possibly juggle?

Animator: And what’s Tickell going to be doing this whole time?

Scriptwriter: Reading, mainly. And possibly talking to research administrators. Think about how much you’d save on the animation costs!

Animator: I don’t think you’re getting the whole purpose of what we do! We’re meant to be producing exciting…

Scriptwriter: Well there’s some people in the UK who are excited by this! I mean, Hamish McHamish of ARMA *loves* all this. He might even go and see the film multiple times!

Animator: I don’t think it will be enough to overcome the lost revenue from the primary school children.

Scriptwriter: What about if he takes the full ARMA Board?

Animator: Not even then.

Scriptwriter: So…so are you suggesting I have to start all over again?

Animator: Yes.

Scriptwriter [sighs]: Oh, okay. But a dream, a beautiful dream, has died today. Still [he picks up a piece of paper beside his laptop]. This has just come in. ‘Michael Gove and the 12 Missions’. It’s got a bit of a ring to it, hasn’t it?

Photo by Sơn Bờm from Pexels