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The Cummings Diagram: A History in Memes
The Cummings Diagram: A History in Memes
As Dominic Cummings took to the floor in front of the parliamentary Science and Technology Committee this morning, he made clear that the current research system was only occupying a small part of the ‘design space for science’. Unfortunately he did it through the medium of a dog-eared sheet of A4. The delicious meme-fest that followed on Twitter was a delight to behold. Here are some of the best examples. Enjoy!
As part of my planned new UK surveillance system I plan to erect a Tower in every town and city with one of these All Seeing Cummings Eyes on top (via @theninetyninep1)Lockdown according to Dominic Cummings (via @eberlmat)That moment you realised Dominic Cummings could do stand up by presenting this chart, saying it was done by brilliant scientists, and not laughing. (via @HUncaring)via @PickardJEDominic Cummings shares his Barnard Castle eye chart. “I got to about here” (via @HendersonNeild)(via @henrymance)“The small red area represents the wealthy, productive, elite members of society we wish to protect & the larger pale blue area represents the riffraff & no hopers who are entirely expendable” (via @MrJunkerBarlow)“So I’m certain this is where the clitoris is.” (via @MarkConway87)Amazing scenes from Dominic Cummings this morning (via @elliotwagland)Shocking claims from Dominic Cummings in parliament this morning. (@QuireMemes)“I mean, seriously, look at it.” “Mr Cummings, this isn’t really the right t-” “That’s meant to be a smile. It looks like he’s inhaling a beefburger, for God’s sake. No wonder he’s gone blue.” (via @HungryHatter)(via @Kris_Beacham)“What sort of diagram is that, Mr Cummings?” “It’s not a diagram. I tried to draw Mr Happy in Word and it went a bit wrong.” (via @HungryHatter)Cummings highlights the size of his conscience (via @lunar_werewolf)
Delicious! It’s the meme that just keeps on giving.